Buying and selling music memorabilia and collectibles couldn't be easier!

Our Store's low commission rates and our team's commitment to guiding you personally throughout the selling process will make your selling experience on MAG_BTM smooth and efficient.

Whether you're looking for the next piece to add to your collection or you are willing to finally let one of your longingly cared items go, our shop is the place to be!

How to sell with MAG_BTM

Selling an item on the MAG_BTM Store is quick and easy:



Email us at sales@magbtm.com or fill in our initial interest form here.

Once we have received your request, our team will follow up and send you our Sellers terms and conditions and further discuss your item/items.

If you choose to contact us via email, please make sure to add your contact details, a brief description of the item/items you'd like to sell, an image and an estimated price range.